<img src="http://blogimgs.naver.com/nblog/ico_scrap01.gif" class="i_scrap" width="50" height="15" alt="본문스크랩" /> 1.88 패치, 그리고 Pendragon을 가다!!
헤럴드에 올라온 1.88 패치, 1.87 때 느꼈던 놀라움과는 또 다른 놀라움을 주는군요. 일단 노멀섭의 큰 장애물(?)이었던 ML과 아티팩트의 벽을 완전히 허물기 위해 ML과 아티 크레딧, 아울러 아티 스크롤까지 바운티 포인트(BP)로 구입이 가능하게 만들어버렸더군요.
도대체 어떻게 바뀌었을까 싶어서 테스트-서버인 Pendragon에 접속을 해 봤습니다. 히어로즈-홀에 들어가보니 구석에 못 보던 상인 npc들이 생겼더군요. 아티 스크롤 npc 2명, 아티팩트 크레딧 npc 1명, ML 크레딧 npc 1명, 총 4명의 npc들입니다.
각 스텝별 크레딧을 판매하는군요. 이렇게 스텝별로 따로 구입할 수도 있습니다만....
그냥 이렇게 한꺼번에 판매도 하더군요. 1부터 10까지 모든 ML을 마스터리하기 위해 필요한 BP는 총 26475점 되겠습니다-_-;;
아티 스크롤도 바운티 포인트로 구입할 수 있습니다. 아티 종류에 상관없이 1번은 10점, 2번은 100점, 3번은 200점으로 동일한 가격이더군요. (레어템인 럽스 1번도 10점, 알비터 1번도 10점짜리가 되는군요-_-;;)
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.88a Release Notes
Bounty Rewards and Vista Compatibility
February 15, 2007
This patch begins version 1.88. In this version we plan on focusing significantly on revamping the archery system. The team is currently in the internal implementation phase for the archery revamp, but it is not yet ready for Pendragon testing. The new archery system will be rolled to Pendragon in the next few 1.88 versions.
In order to make Dark Age of Camelot Vista compatible, all files that the game client generates are now written to a user directory. By default, each user on Vista is a Standard User and only has limited access control. A Standard User does not have permissions to write to common locations, such as the root directory of the game.
Therefore, we've made a few changes to the way the game handles files in order to make DAOC fully Vista compatible. The changes affect everyone, not just Vista users. Read on:
Certain files will now be written to a new location. The location for Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows 95 is:
C:Documents and Settings(User)Application DataElectronic ArtsDark Age of Camelot
And for Vista:
C:Users(User)AppDataRoamingElectronic ArtsDark Age of Camelot
Note: The “Application Data” folder for XP and earlier, and the “AppData” folder for Vista, are hidden folders. When you navigate there, you will have to set your “display hidden files” under Folder Options in order to find it. (Go to C:Documents and Settings(whatever your user name is) - click "Tools" - click "Folder Options" - click the "View" tab - scroll until you see "Hidden files and folders" - click the radio button that says "Show hidden files and folders" - click "Apply" - click "OK.")
No one should fear losing any user settings or individual character settings. The game will take care of copying all of the affected files to the new location.
Files that will be automatically copied from the old location into the new:
(character name)-(Server).ini
(character name)-(Server).ign
default(window width).ini
Files that will not be moved, but new versions will appear in the new location:
(Screen shot name).bmp
For example, existing screen shots that you have will remain in the original place, while new ones will be placed in the new directory.
- Fixed a bug where accounts which were not eligible for the Elder title could still select it when having high crafting skills.
The availability of rewards which can be purchased with Bounty Points has been greatly increased. Many of these rewards are designed to reduce much of the need to continue PvEing after reaching 50 for those who would rather focus immediately on RvR.
- Realizing their Atlantean masters are not returning, four sphinxes have traveled to the Hall of Heroes to offer ML credit, artifact credit, and scrolls in exchange for stories from the frontiers (represented by bounty points). Credit is obtained by purchasing the tokens they sell, then handing the tokens to them. If a token is purchased for an encounter the player already has credit for, handing the token back to the sphinx will return the Bounty Points spent.
- Bounty Point Masters have been added to each realm's primary border keep (Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Druim Ligen). These new NPCs sell a variety of items including: realm respecs, Champion Level respecs, Master Level respecs, the chestnut horse, hastener speed gems, experience-granting scrolls (in both a 1% and 10% variety), and special new jewelry items.
- The NPCs in each housing market that already sell deeds, porches and consignment merchants now offer the same goods for bounty points as well as gold.
- Merchants have been added to house hookpoint stores which can obtained for free and placed on a house hookpoint to allow the purchase of interior and garden decorations for bounty points as opposed to gold.
- Existing bounty point rewards (i.e. stones, totems, and crystals) now have 20 charges instead of 1. Note that current charges will not be retroactively updated on previously purchased rewards.
General - Albion
- The Armorsmiths, Fletchers, and Weaponsmith Masters of Camelot have relocated to 'Shorty' Malone's Inn which is located near the channelers in Camelot square near the forge.
- The Alchemist and Spellcraft Masters of Camelot have relocated to the Magus Shoppus immediately next to 'Shorty' Malone's Inn.
- The Guild of Shadows alchemy table has been relocated to just outside 'Shorty' Malone's Inn.
General - Midgard
- Merchants selling crafting materials have settled their differences and have relocated to the two longhouses just North of the Assembly Hall.
- All tradeskill masters can now be found in either the two longhouses or the smaller building to the north of them.
- The alchemy table behind the Assembly Hall has been relocated to near the forge in this same area.
Quests - General
- Basic Horse - A recent effort by the Kings of each realm to encourage citizens to trade in their old, basic horses for weapons has resulted in a surplus of basic horses taking up space in the royal stables. Therefore the Horse Voucher for the basic horse can now be obtained for free from the Horse Merchants in the capital cities and the quest completed at level 10.
Quests - Albion
- Imperiled Wizard - Players who have completed step 2 but not finished the quest and received their reward will now get a reminder in their journal on what to say to Master Narudos to finish the quest.
Albion Monsters
- Large ants have sworn off their diet of snakes meaning they no longer will have a chance to drop snake meat as loot.
General - Midgard
- The monsters named 'hrimthursa icetouch' will now no longer drop realm inappropriate items.
Instanced Adventuring
- Aurulite values have been increased by at least double.
Old Values:
Aurulite Chip, Value 1
Aurulite Fragment, Value 5
Aurulite Shard, Value 10
Aurulite Cluster, Value 15
Aurulite Cluster, Value 20
New Values:
Aurulite Chip, Value 5
Aurulite Fragment, Value 10
Aurulite Shard, Value 20
Aurulite Cluster, Value 30
Aurulite Cluster, Value 40
Note: These changes are not retroactive and only apply to newly-dropped Aurulite.
- Royal Expedition Tasks 'Den Again', 'Beeches of Braemar', and 'Fighting in the Battlegrounds' will no longer be given out for each realm on the PVP and PVE rulesets as they require a trip to the Battlegrounds which are not enabled on these rulesets.
- Royal Expedition Tasks 'Den Again', 'Beeches of Braemar', and 'Fighting in the Battlegrounds' will no longer be given out for each realm on the PVP and PVE rulesets as they require a trip to the Battlegrounds which are not enabled on these rulesets.