2L8 Too late
2U2 To you too
4GM Forgive me
AAMOF As a matter of fact
AAYF As always, your friend
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
AKA Also known as
ASAP As soon as possible
ASL Age, sex, location?
ASLP Age, sex, location, picture?
ATM At the moment
ATYS Anything you say
AWA As well as
B4 Before
B4N Bye for now
BAC Back at computer
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BBL Be back later
BBS Be back soon
BCNU Be seein' you
BD Big deal
BFD Big freakin' deal
BF Boyfriend
BFN Bye for now
BC Be cool
B/C Because
BCNU Be seein' you
BIL Brother in law
BME Based on my experience
BOT Back on topic
BRH Be right here
BRB Be right back
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
BYTM Better you than me
CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong
CU See you
CUL Catch you later
CUS See you soon
CUL8R See you later
CWOT Complete waste of time
CYA See ya
DIIK Darned if I know
DIY Do it yourself
EAK Eating at keyboard
EG Evil grin
EOD End of discussion
EOL End of lecture
EOR End of rant
F Female
F2F Face to face
FCOL For crying out loud
FIL Father in law
FITB Fill in the blanks
FNB Football and beer
FOCL Falling off the chair laughing
FOFL Falling on the floor laughing
FWIW For what it's worth
FYA For your amusement
FYI For your information
G Grin
G2G Gotta go
GA Good afternoon / Go ahead
GAL Get a life
GAS Greetings and salutations
GBH Great Big Hug
GE Good evening
GF Girlfriend
GFN Gone for now
GG Good game
GI Good idea
GIWISI Gee, I wish I said it
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
GM Good morning / Good move/match
GMTA Great minds think alike
GN Good night
GR8 Great
H Hug
HB Hug back
H&K Hugs and Kisses
HAGD Have a good day
HCIT How cool is that
HF Have fun
HH Ha-ha
HHSF Ha-ha, so funny
HHVF Ha-ha, very funny
HOAS Hold on a second
IAC In any case
IAG It's all good
IAGW In a good way
IC I see / In character
IDGI I don't get it
IDNDT I did not do that
IIRC If I remember correctly
IK I know
IKWUM I know what you mean
IMAO In my arrogant opinion
IME In my experience.
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
INRS It's not rocket science
IOW In other words
IRL In real life
IRSTBO It really sucks the big one
IS I'm sorry
ISWYM I see what you mean
JMHO Just my humble opinion
JTLYK Just to let you know
J/K Just kidding
J/P Just playing
KIR Keepin' it real
KIT Keep in touch
KWIM Know what I mean?
L8R Later
LMK Let me know
LTR Long term relationship
LYK Let you know
LMAO Laughing my a?? off
LMBO Laughing my butt off
LOL Laugh out loud
LTNS Long time no see
LUM Love you man
M Male
ME2 Me too
MIL Mother in law
MMA Meet me at ...
MMAMP Meet me at my place
MYOB Mind your own business
N In
NBD No big deal
N2M Not too much
N/C Not cool
NE1 Anyone
NM Nevermind, Not much
NMH Not much here
NMJC Nothing much, just chillin'
NNITO Not necessarily in that order
NO1 No one
NOTTOMH Not off the top of my head
NOYB None of your business
NP No problem
NRN No reply necessary
NW No way
OIC Oh, I see
OMG Oh my gosh
OOC Out of character
OT Off topic / Other topic
PLZ Please
PPL People
QT Cutie
RESQ Rescue
RFC Request for comment
RHIP Rank hath its privileges
ROF Rolling on the floor
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RTFM Read the flippin' manual
S2R Send to receive
SCNR Sorry, could not resist
SIL Sister in law
SLY Still love you
SWALK Sweet, with all love, kisses
SWAK Sealed with a kiss
SYSOP System Operator
TCO Taken care of
TOH The other half
THX Thanks
TNX Thanks
TIA Thanks in advance
TMA Take my advice
TMI Too much information
TTFN Ta ta for now
TTYL Talk to you later
TY Thank you
TYVM Thank you very much
U2 You too
UR Your
UR You are ...
VBG Very big grin
W2F Way too funny
W8 Wait
W8AM Wait a minute
WB Welcome back OR Write back
WE Whatever
WNDITWB We never did it this way before
WRT With Regard To
WTF What the freak?
WTG Way to go!
XOXOXO Hugs and kisses
Y Why?
YMMV Your mileage may vary
YRG You are good!
YW You're welcome
>U! Screw you!
? Huh?
?4U Question for you
·a : Answer(답변)
·asap : As Soon As Possible(가능하다면...)
·bb : Bye Bye...(안녕~)
·bbl : Be Back Later(나중에 다시올께)
·bf : Boy Friend(남자친구)
·brb : Be Right Back(금방올께)
·btw : By The Way(그런데, 어쨌거나, 그건 그렇고)
·cya : See You Again(다음에 다시 만나요~)
·emsg : E-Mail Message(전자우편 메시지)
·f : Female(여성)
·gf :Girl Friend(여자친구)
·hagn : Have A Good Night(좋은 밤 되세요)
·ic : I See(알아요)
·imo : In My Opinion(내 의견으로는...)
·irl : In Real Life(실제로)
·i’v : I Love You(당신을 사랑해요)
·lol : Laugh Out Loud(너무나 웃기군)
·m : Male(남성)
·oic : Oh I See(오~ 알았어...)
·pm : Private Message(개인적인 메시지)
·q : Question(질문)
·r : are(’r u kr’ 하면 Are You Korean...? 하는뜻)
·rt : RealTime(리얼타임)
·ssup : What’s Up(안녕? 반가워)
·u : you(당신, 너)
b4 -before
pls -please
OTF(on the floor)
LOL(laughing out loud)
AYT(Are you there? 거기 있어요?)
B/F(boyfriend 남자 친구)
G/F(girlfriend 여자친구)
CYA(See ya. 또 봅시다)
DTS(Don’t think so. 그렇게 생각하지 마세요)
IKWUM(I know what you mean. 무슨 뜻인지 압니다)
WAYF(Where are you from? 어디 출신이지요?)
DIKU(Do I knowyou? 제가 아는 분입니까?)
dbflfn 문제제기
u = you
wut = what
dis = this
dat = that
d = the
c = see
r = are
2 = to
n = and
b4 = before
ur = your
u r = you are
ya, yea, ye, yah, yup = yes
nah, nope = no
k = ok(여아덜이 마니 쓰는건 okies)
cuz(또는 s) = because
ne = any
thot = thought
q = question
altho = althoughtho = though
gtg= got to go
nm = nothing much
ntm = not too much
bday = birthday
azn = asian
lemme = let me (여아들이 주로 씀)
hafta = have to(이거뚜)
wit = with (요것두)
whatcha = what are you (샘샘)
@ = at 골뱅이
d/l = download 따운
huh = what? 모?
yo = hey 어이
s'up 또는 sup = what's up (how are you doing?의 뜻이나 울나라말루 하믄) 안녕
lol = laugh out loud 열라 웃음
rofl = rolling on floor laughing 방을 구르며 웃음
thx = thank you 거마워 (여아덜이 주로 쓰는 건 thanq)
ttyl = talk to you later 담에봐
lates, latah, 18tez = later 그럼
btw = by the way 그건 그렇고
nvm = nevermind 신경꺼
wb = welcome back 다시 방가
brb = be right back 잠만(잠시만)
f'real = for real 정말
tru dat = true that 쥔짜
rite = right 그래
aight = alright 옳아
onlie = only 오직 (여아덜이 마니 씀)
np = no problem 문제엄써
enuf = enough 만땅
newayz(혹은 s) = anyways 건그렇구
foo = fool 바부
dawg = friend 칭구(여아덜은 fwenz(friends)를 마니 씀)
bf = boyfriend 남친
gf = girlfriend 여친
bff = best friend 단짝칭구
j/p = just playing 놀구있어
j/m = just messing, j/k = just kidding 농담이다
hella = very(여아들은 berrie) 열라
wtf = what the f**k? 씨바모냐?
wth = what the heck 또는 hell? 된장모냐?
stfu = shut the f**k up 주둥아리 꼬메라.
fugly = f**king ugly 졸라 안 생긴
asl please (age/sex/location)- 나이 성별 지역을 말해줘.
예) 19세 남자 한국 ----->(19/m/korea) m=male, f=female
plz (please)
brb (be right back) :쫌있다 돌아올게
wb(welcome back): 상대방이 다시 돌아왔을때 하는 말 (잘왔어)
ty(thank you): 고마워
h r u (how are you?) :잘 지내?
ttyl (talk to you later): 담에 이야기 하자 (대화 끝낼때)
bf (boy friend) / gf (girl friend)
lol (laugh out loud) :채팅에서 폭소를 터뜨릴때.,
OMG (oh my god) : 오 이럴수가!!
ppl (people) 사람들
gr8 (great!) 훌륭해!
y? (why?) 왜?