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New Armor/ Dragon Armor Bonus


by 지지에이치 2007. 10. 30. 21:39


Cloth Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Sigil Stitched Cloth Robesall caster skills3
Sigil Stitched Cloth Vestall caster skills3
Sigil Stitched Cloth Pantspower %5%
Sigil Stitched Cloth Armshits cap40
Sigil Stitched Cloth Glovesaf bonus10
Sigil Stitched Cloth Bootsdex cap5
Sigil Stitched Cloth Crownacuity cap5
Sigil Stitched Cloth Steeple Hatacuity cap5
Sigil Sewn Cloth Robesall melee skills3
Sigil Sewn Cloth Vestall melee skills3
Sigil Sewn Cloth Pantsstr cap5
Sigil Sewn Cloth Armscon cap5
Sigil Sewn Cloth Crownhealing effectiveness5%
Sigil Sewn Cloth Steeple Hathealing effectiveness5%
Sigil Worn Cloth Armsbuffing effectiveness5%
Sigil Scorched Cloth Crownqui cap5
Sigil Scorched Cloth Steeple Hatqui cap5
Leather Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Sigil Etched Leather Jerkinall melee skills3
Sigil Etched Leather Leggingsstr cap5
Sigil Etched Leather Sleeveshits cap40
Sigil Etched Leather Glovesdex cap5
Sigil Etched Leather Bootsdual skills3
Sigil Etched Leather Crowncon cap5
Sigil Etched Leather Robesall melee skills3
Sigil Bound Leather Robesall caster skills3
Sigil Bound Leather Leggingspower %5%
Sigil Bound Leather Sleeveshealing effectiveness5%
Sigil Bound Leather Bootsaf bonus10
Sigil Bound Leather Crownacuity cap5
Sigil Wrapped Leather Bootsbuffing effectiveness5%
Studded Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Sigil Marked Lamellar Jerkinall melee3
Sigil Marked Lamellar Leggingsstr cap5
Sigil Marked Lamellar Sleeveshits cap40
Sigil Marked Lamellar Glovesaf bonus10
Sigil Marked Lamellar Bootsdex cap5
Sigil Marked Lamellar Crowncon cap5
Sigil Stamped Lamellar Bootsarcher skill3
Sigil Stamped Lamellar Sleevesqui cap5
Chain Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Sigil Enchanted Mail Hauberkall melee3
Sigil Enchanted Mail Leggingsstr cap5
Sigil Enchanted Mail Sleeveshits cap40
Sigil Enchanted Mail Glovesdex cap5
Sigil Enchanted Mail Bootsaf bonus10
Sigil Enchanted Mail Crowncon cap5
Sigil Spelled Mail Bootsdual skills3
Sigil Spelled Mail Crownqui cap5
Sigil Ensorcelled Mail Hauberkall caster3
Sigil Ensorcelled Mail Leggingspower %5%
Sigil Ensorcelled Mail Sleeveshealing effectiveness5%
Sigil Ensorcelled Mail Bootsbuffing effectiveness5%
Sigil Ensorcelled Mail Crownacuity cap5
Sigil Protected Mail Crown+ defensive5%
Plate Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Sigil Gilded Plate Breastplateall melee3
Sigil Gilded Plate Greavesstr cap5
Sigil Gilded Plate Vambraceshits cap40
Sigil Gilded Plate Gauntletsdex cap5
Sigil Gilded Plate Bootsaf bonus10
Sigil Gilded Plate Crowncon cap5
Sigil Blazed Plate Crown+ defensive5%
Sigil Blazed Plate Bootsqui cap5
Cloth Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Rune Knit Padded Vestall caster skills3
Rune Knit Padded Pantspower %5%
Rune Knit Padded Armshits cap40
Rune Knit Padded Glovesaf bonus10
Rune Knit Padded Bootsdex cap5
Runed Knit Padded Circletacuity cap5
Runed Knit Padded Steeple Hatacuity cap5
Rune Braided Padded Pantsstr cap5
Rune Braided Padded Bootscon cap5
Rune Braided Padded Circlethealing effectiveness5%
Rune Braided Padded Steeple Hathealing effectiveness5%
Rune Braided Padded Armsbuffing effectiveness5%
Runed Riddled Padded Circletqui cap5
Runed Riddled Padded Steeple Hatqui cap5
Leather Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Rune Stitched Starklaedar Jerkinall melee skills3%
Rune Stitched Starklaedar Leggingsstr cap5
Rune Stitched Starklaedar Sleeveshits cap40
Rune Stitched Starklaedar Glovesaf bonus10
Rune Stitched Starklaedar Bootsdual skill3
Rune Stitched Starklaedar Circletcon cap5
Rune Sewn Starklaedar Bootsqui cap5
Studded Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Rune Etched Starkaskodd Vestall melee skills3
Rune Etched Starkaskodd Leggingsstr cap5
Rune Etched Starkaskodd Sleeveshits cap40
Rune Etched Starkaskodd Glovesdex cap5
Rune Etched Starkaskodd Bootscon cap5
Rune Etched Starkaskodd Circletarcher skill3
Rune Carved Starkaskodd Bootsbuffing effectiveness5%
Rune Carved Starkaskodd Circletaf bonus10
Rune Carved Starkaskodd Sleevesqui cap5
Rune Struck Starkaskodd Bootsdual skill3
Chain Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Rune Bound Starkakedja Hauberkall melee skills3
Rune Bound Starkakedja Leggingsstr cap5
Rune Bound Starkakedja Sleeveshits cap40
Rune Bound Starkakedja Glovesdex cap5
Rune Bound Starkakedja Bootsaf bonus10
Rune Bound Starkakedja Circlet+ defensive5%
Rune Marked Starkakedja Circletcon cap5
Rune Scribed Starkakedja Hauberkall caster skills3
Rune Scribed Starkakedja Leggingspower %5%
Rune Scribed Starkakedja Sleeveshealing effectiveness5%
Rune Scribed Starkakedja Glovesbuffing effectiveness5%
Rune Scribed Starkakedja Bootsacuity cap5
Rune Scribed Starkakedja Circletqui cap5
Cloth Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Bespelled Woven Robesall caster skills3
Bespelled Woven Vestall caster skills3
Bespelled Woven Pantspower %5%
Bespelled Woven Sleeveshits cap40
Bespelled Woven Glovescon cap5
Bespelled Woven Bootsdex cap5
Bespelled Woven Wreathacuity cap5
Bespelled Woven Steeple Hatacuity cap5
Enchanted Woven Robesall melee skills3
Enchanted Woven Vestall melee skills3
Enchanted Woven Pantsstr cap5
Enchanted Woven Bootsaf bonus10
Enchanted Woven Wreathhealing effectiveness5%
Enchanted Woven Steeple Hathealing effectiveness5%
Spell Riddled Woven Armsbuffing effectiveness5%
Enticing Woven Wreathqui cap5
Enticing Woven Steeple Hatqui cap5
Leather Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Embroidered Cruaigh Jerkinall melee skills3
Embroidered Cruaigh Leggingsstr cap5
Embroidered Cruaigh Sleeveshits cap40
Embroidered Cruaigh Glovesdex cap5
Embroidered Cruaigh Bootsdual skill3
Embroidered Cruaigh Wreathcon cap5
Ensorcelled Cruaigh Jerkinall caster skills3
Ensorcelled Cruaigh Leggingspower %5%
Ensorcelled Cruaigh Bootsaf bonus10
Ensorcelled Cruaigh Wreathacuity cap5
Reinforced Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Ornamented Cailocht Vestall melee skills3
Ornamented Cailocht Leggingsstr cap5
Ornamented Cailocht Sleeveshits cap40
Ornamented Cailocht Glovesaf bonus10
Ornamented Cailocht Bootscon cap5
Ornamented Cailocht Wreatharcher skill3
Blazed Cailocht Vestall caster skills3
Blazed Cailocht Leggingspower %5%
Blazed Cailocht Sleeveshealing effectiveness5%
Blazed Cailocht Glovesbuffing effectiveness5%
Blazed Cailocht Bootsdex cap5
Blazed Cailocht Wreathacuity cap5
Etched Cailocht Sleevesqui cap5
Etched Cailocht Bootsdual skill3
Scale Armor5th Slot BonusBonus Amount
Decorated Osnadurtha Hauberkall melee skills3
Decorated Osnadurtha Leggingsstr cap5
Decorated Osnadurtha Sleeveshits cap40
Decorated Osnadurtha Glovesdex cap5
Decorated Osnadurtha Bootsaf bonus10
Decorated Osnadurtha Wreath+ defensive5%
Spell Etched Osnadurtha Wreathcon cap5
Spell Marked Osnadurtha Hauberkall caster skills3
Spell Marked Osnadurtha Leggingspower %5%
Spell Marked Osnadurtha Sleeveshealing effectiveness5%
Spell Marked Osnadurtha Glovesbuffing effectiveness5%
Spell Marked Osnadurtha Bootsacuity cap5
Spell Marked Osnadurtha Wreathqui cap5




Armor - Chain
enchanted gloves: 15 dex (no cap)
enchanted helm: 15 con (not cap)
spelled helm: 15 quick (not cap)
ensorcelled helm: 15 acu (not cap)
protected helm: To-hit bonus-3% (pve)
enchanted boots: 5% duration of spells
spelled boots: 5 fatigue
ensorcelled boots: 5% healing effectiveness
enchanted leggings: 15 str (not cap)
ensorcelled legs: +5 power cap
enchanted arms: 40 hits (not cap)
ensorcelled arms: 5% buff effectiveness
enchanted chest: 2% melee damage
ensorcelled chest: 2% magic damage

Armor - Plate
Gilded Plate Breastplate: Bonuses: 2% melee damage
Gilded Plate Gauntlets: Bonuses: 15 Dexterity
Gilded Plate Helm: Bonuses: 15 Constitution
Blazed Plate Helm: Bonuses: 3% To-hit bonus (PvE only)
Gilded Plate Boots: Bonuses: 5 Fatigue
Blazed Plate Boots: Bonuses: 15 Quickness
Gilded Plate Greaves: Bonuses: 15 Strength
Gilded Plate Vambraces: Bonuses: 40 Hits

Armor - Studded
Marked Jerkin 2% Melee Damage
Marked Crown 15 Con
Marked Sleeves 40 Hits
Marked Gloves 5 Fatigue
Marked Legs 15 Str
Marked Boots 15 Dex
Stamped Sleeves 15 Qui
Stamped Boots 2% Magic Damage

Armor - Leather
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Gloves - 15 Dexterity
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Crown - 15 Constitution
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Crown - 15 Acuity
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Boots - 5 Fatigue
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Boots - 5 fatigue cap
tempered Dragonsworn Wrapped Leather Boots - 5% heal bonus
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Leggings - 15 Strength
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Leggings - 5 power cap
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Sleeves - 40 Hits
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather Sleeves - 5% buff bonus
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather Jerkin - 2% melee damage
tempered Dragonsworn Etched Leather (Friar) Robes - 2% melee damage
tempered Dragonsworn Bound Leather (Friar) Robes - 5% heal bonus

Armor - Cloth
helm - +15 acuity
robe - +2% magic dmg
gloves - +5% spell duration
legs - +5 power cap
boots - +15 dex
sleeves - +40 hits

helm - 5% buff bonus
robe - +2% melee dmg
legs - +15 strength
sleeves - +15 con

sleeves - +5% heal bonus

helm - +15 quickness

partisan: partisan 5.7 speed (Thrust) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
rapier: rapier 3.9 speed (Thrust) (Thrust). Bonuses: 5 Dexterity cap
war hammer: hammer 3.8 speed (Crush) (Crush). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
fist wrap: wrap 4.1 speed (Crush) (Fist Wraps). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
stiletto: stiletto 2.4 speed (Thrust) (Thrust) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Dexterity cap
hand wrap: wrap 3.5 speed (Crush) (Fist Wraps) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
blade whip: whip 3.0 speed (Slash) (Flexible). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
hammer chain: chain 3.6 speed (Crush) (Flexible). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
bardiche: bardiche 5.2 speed (Slash) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
long sword: sword 4.0 speed (Slash) (Slash). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
hammer: hammer 2.5 speed (Crush) (Crush) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
short sword: sword 2.8 speed (Slash) (Slash) (Offhand). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
great sword: sword 5.1 speed (Slash) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
great hammer: hammer 5.5 speed (Crush) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
tuck: tuck 5.3 speed (Thrust) (Two Handed). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap
lucerne hammer: hammer 5.6 speed (Crush) (Polearm). Bonuses: 5 Strength cap

Dragonsworn Forged Adroit Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 dex
Dragonsworn Forged Mighty Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 str
Dragonsworn Forged Insightful Buckler - 2.8spd - 15 acuity
Dragonsworn Forged Protector's Buckler - 2.8spd - 2% melee damage
Dragonsworn Forged Rejuvenating Buckler - 2.8spd - 5% heal
Dragonsworn Forged Accomodation Buckler - 2.8spd - 5% buff

Dragonsworn Adroit Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Dex
Dragonsworn Mighty Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Str
Dragonsworn Insightful Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 15 Acuity
Dragonsworn Rejuvenating Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 5% Healing Effectiveness
Dragonsworn Accomodation Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 5% Stat Enhancement (+buff)
Dragonsworn Protector's Heater Shield - 3.5spd - 2% Melee Damage

Dragonsworn Fixed Adroit Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Dex
Dragonsworn Fixed Mighty Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Str
Dragonsworn Fixed Speedy Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 15 Qui
Dragonsworn Fixed Protector's Tower Shield - 4.2spd - 2% Melee Damage

Dragonsworn Long Bow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Short Bow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Crossbow - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Harmonious Mandolin - Spell duration 5%
Dragonsworn Arpeggio Mandolin - Acuity cap 5
Dragonsworn Mauler Shod Staff - 5.3spd - Str cap 5
Dragonsworn Shod Quarterstaff - 5.0spd - Dex cap 5
Dragonsworn Shod Staff - 3.0spd - Acuity cap 5 - 50 All Focus


Armor - Scale 
marked wreath - 15 quick
etched wreath - 15 con
decorated wreath - 3% to hit (pve)
marked hauberk - 2% magic damage
decorated hauberk - 2% melee damage
decorated gloves - 15 dex
marked gloves - 5% healing
decorated boots - 5 fatigue
marked boots - 15 acuity
marked leggings - 5 power bonus cap
decorated leggings - 15 strength
decorated sleeves - 40 hits
marked sleeves - 5% buffing

Armor - Cloth
bespelled hat - 15 acuity
enchanted hat - 5% buffing
enticing hat - 15 quick
bespelled gloves - 15 con
bespelled boots - 15 dex
enchanted boots - 5% spell duration
enchanted pants - 15 strength
bespelled pants - 5 power cap
spell ridden arms - 5% healing
bespelled sleeves - 40 hits
bespelled robes - 2% magic damage
bespelled vest - 2% magic damage
enchanted robes - 2% melee damage
enchanted vest - 2% melee damage

Armor - Leather
embroidered wreath - 15 con
ensorcelled wreath - 15 acuity
embroidered gloves - 15 dex
embroidered boots - 5 fatigue
ensorcelled boots - 5 fatigue cap
embroidered leggings - 15 strength
ensorcelled leggings - 5 power cap
embroidered sleeves - 40 hits
embroidered jerkin - 2% melee damage
ensorcelled jerkin - 2% magic damage

Armor - Reinforced
ornamented wreath - 2% magic damage
blazed wreath - 15 acuity
ornamented boots - 15 con
blazed boots - 15 dex
etched boots - 5 fatigue cap
ornamented gloves - 5 fatigue
blazed gloves - 5% healing
blazed leggings - 5 power cap
ornamented leggings - 15 strength
ornamented sleeves - 40 hits
blazed sleeves - 5% buffing
etched sleeves - 15 quick
blazed vest - 2% magic damage
ornamented vest - 2% melee damage

Dragonsworn Rapier - 3.9 spd - Dex cap +5
Dragonsworn Stiletto - 2.4 spd - Dex Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn War Hammer - 4.2 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Hammer - 2.6 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn Long Sword - 4.2 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Short Sword - 2.5 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)
Dragonsworn Great Sword - 5.5 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Great hammer - 5.1 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Battle Spear - 5.6 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn War Scythe - 5.5 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Fist Wrap - 4.1 spd - Str Cap +5
Dragonsworn Hand Wrap - 3.1 spd - Str Cap +5 (Lefty usable)

Small: 2.8 Speed
Marked Adroit Buckler: 15 Dexterity
Marked Insightful Buckler: 15 Acuity
Marked Regrown Buckler: 5% Healing Effectiveness
Marked Accommodation Buckler: 5% Stat Enhancement

Medium: 3.5 Speed
Adroit Heater Shield: 15 Dexterity
Mighty Heater Shield: 15 Strength
Speedy Heater Shield: 15 Quickness
Protector's Heater Shield: 2% Melee Damage

Large: 4.2 Speed
Riddled Adriot Leaf Shield: 15 Dexterity
Riddled Mighty Leaf Shield: 15 Strength
Riddled Speedy Leaf Shield: 15 Quickness
Riddled Regrown Leaf Shield: 5% Healing Effectiveness
Riddled Protector's Leaf Shield: 2% Melee Damage

Duskwood dragonsworn short bow - +5dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn recruve bow - +5dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Mauler shod staff - 5.3spd - +5str cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Mauler staff - 4.6spd - +5str cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Magus staff - 50 focus to all spell lines and +5 acuity cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Luinneag mandolin - +5 dex cap
Duskwood dragonsworn Appoggiatura mandolin - +5% duration of spell
Duskwood dragonsworn Adban Trireach mandolin - +5% healing effectiveness


Armor - Studded
Etched Gloves - Dex 15
Etched Helm - Magic damage 2%
Carved Helm - Fatigue Cap 5pts
Etched Boots - Con 15
Carved Boots - Fatigue 5pts
Struck Boots - +3 all melee
Etched Legs - Str 15
Etched Sleeves - Hits 40
Carved Sleeves - Quick 15
Etched Vest - Melee Damage 2%

Bound Boots Fatigue 5pts
Scribed Boots Acuity 15
Bound Helm To Hit Bonus 3%
Marked Helm Con 15
Scribed Helm Quick 15
Bound Gloves Dex 15
Scribed Gloves Healing 5%
Bound Legs Str 15
Scribed legs Bonus to power bonus cap 5
Bound Sleeves Hits 40
Scribed Sleeves Buffs 5%
Bound Haubrek Melee damage 2%
Scribed Haubrek Magic damage 2%

Stitched Starklaedar Gloves - Bonus to Fatigue Item Bonus Cap 5
Stitched Starklaedar Circlet - Con 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Jerkin - Bonus to Melee Damage 2 %
Tempered Stitched Starklaedar Boots - Fatigue 5 pts
Sewn Starklaedar Boots - Qui 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Leggings - Str 15 pts
Stitched Starklaedar Sleeves - Hits 40 pts

Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Boots - 15 con
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Boots - 15 dex
Silksteel Dragonsworn Riddled Full Helm - 15 Qui
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Full Helm - 5% Buff bonus
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Full Helm - 15 Acu
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Gloves - 5% Spell duration
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Pants - 5% Power cap
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Pants - 15 Str
Silksteel Dragonsworn Braided Padded Arms - 5% Healing
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Arms - 40 Hits
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Robe - 2% Magic Dmg
Silksteel Dragonsworn Knit Padded Chest - 2% Magic Dmg

Long Sword 1H 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
War Hammer 1H 3.6 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Double Bladed Axe 1H 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hatchet LH 2.6 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Fang Greave LH 4.0 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Moon Claw LH 3.8 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Fist Wrap 1H 4.1 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hand Wrap LH 3.1 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Great Sword 2H 5.3 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hooked Hammer 2H 5.4 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Battle Axe 2H 5.5 spd Bonus to Strength Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Battle Spear 2H 4.9 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Hooked Spear 2H 5.1 spd Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5

Delinated Adroit Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Dex 15 pts
Delinated Mighty Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Str 15 pts
Delinated Speedy Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Qui 15 pts
Delinated Pious Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Acu 15 pts
Delinated Protector's Grave Shield - 4.2 speed - Bonus to Melee Damage - 2%
Delinated Mending Grave Shield - 4.2 Speed - Bonus to Healing Effectiveness 5%

Etched Adroit Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Dex 15 pts
Etched Mighty Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Str 15 pts
Etched Speedy Cresent Shield - 3.5 speed - Qui 15 pts

Tempered Adroit Buckler - 2.8 speed - Dex 15 pts
Tempered Pious Buckler - 2.8 speed - Acuity 15 pts
Tempered Mending Buckler - 2.8 speed - Bonus to Healing Effectiveness 5%
Tempered Accommodation Buckler - 2.8 speed - Bonus to Stat Enhancement Spell Effectiveness 5%

Mauler Shod Staff 2H 5.3 spd - Bonus to Strenght Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Mauler Staff 2H 4.6 spd - Bonus to Strenght Attribute Bonus Cap 5
Archmage Focus Magus 2H 3.0 spd - Bonus to Acuity Attribute Bonus Cap 5 - All Spell Lines 50 Levels (50 focus)
Composite Bow 2H 4.5 spd - Bonus to Dex Attribute Bonus Cap 5


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